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Since 2008



has helped women & children

rebuild their lives

after family violence

Women lack time & energy to secure community services. Overwhelmed by the legal system, protecting themselves & their children, coupled with financial scrambling it’s no wonder 75% of our Homeless are women & children escaping Family Violence. Dream Bigger develops a personalized long-term stability plan & commits fully to see it through.



On average, women return to violent homes 7 times due to lack of finances & housing. Shelters often provide 2-3 nights, but what happens after temporary housing ends? The Dream Bigger Safe Home Project provides budget coaching, housing application support, negotiation with property owners & landlords, assistance gathering furniture & household supplies and hands-on moving help.



Educational goals are interrupted leaving victims unable to provide for themselves and their children. Walking through the Scholarship & Career search & application process with Dream Bigger Advocates leads to long-term self-sufficiency.



Most women don’t have finances for Legal Assistance. Dream Bigger networks with Family Violence Attorneys providing legal advocacy, administrative assistance, paralegal assistance & court support, decreasing attorney hours, thus reducing legal fees.


Statistics tell us that after separation her chance of death will increase by 75%.

Dream Bigger helps with creative solutions for parental visitation exchanges, retrieval of personal belongings, limiting the abusive partner’s access to her. Her trauma is similar to Hostage Victims experiences in the form of ongoing Terrorism, Stalking & Financial Identity Theft. The less exposure she has to him the better her healing process. The Dream Bigger Network is a community with experience & skill in tackling the maze of complications & is committed to walking with her through to long term success. This support is so strong that most later become advocates themselves.

Can You Feel It_ Little Girl In Hat w_Gift Christmas image graphic Newsletter Dream Bigger

Adopt a Family for Christmas

Family violence rarely looks like we’d expect. Many women & children escaping violent homes don’t fit the mold of public services, haven’t sought rooms at shelters – you can’t tell by outward appearance.

They are our neighbors, classmates, friends, co-workers & family. These moms want to feel normal again, to Shop, Wrap Gifts, Bake Christmas Cookies, Traditional Holiday Meals, Buy & Decorate a Tree. Please help us gather GIFT CARDS for them. It's a discreet & practical way to say “you are not alone”!

Generous community members sometimes ask if they can shop for & donate a gift in kind to the families we serve. We have found it to be a much more encouraging & uplifting support to give actual pre-paid Gift Cards so women can shop for their children, after all they know them best! It also gives her a chance to "feel normal" during a difficult time.  

Please help us provide GIFT CARDS for women who want to provide a normal Christmas Season for their children during this upheaval to their home situation. GIFT CARDS from Fred Meyer, Haggen, Labels, Costco, Wee Ones, Amazon, etc., can be mailed to: Dream Bigger, 2221 G St, Bellingham, Wa 98225. Thank you for your support!

According to U.N. Gender Reports,

Only 1% of the World’s Real Estate is

Owned by Women

Thank you to the many community members & businesses who joined Dream Bigger in this momentous task by donating time, talents, expertise & materials to turn the dream of home ownership into a reality for a family re-building their lives after family violence.

Without your generosity this dream would not have become a reality. With your help, this family avoided homelessness, which often befalls women & children after violence.

Thanks to your Generosity …                               

                             … this Dream is now Reality

Dream Bigger

Preventing Violence against Women & Children

All Donations are tax deductible

through IRS non profit EIN #26-3898006

2221 G Street, Bellingham, WA 98225


What’s different about Dream Bigger?

Larger domestic violence agencies serve large numbers of clients.

Dream Bigger helps less families, but we have a unique focus & mission to find long-term solutions to independence as we:

*Welcome those who’ve fallen through the cracks of current services

*Discover what caused them to stay or return to a violent home

*Create a unique plan for success using community & volunteers

*Secure a safe permanent family home suitable for the long-term

*Provide legal advocacy beyond the immediate needs

*Build a solid education/career income strategy & follow through

*Assist in micro-enterprising as a career that fits with family life

*Provide a strong support network committed for the distance

Join Dream Bigger in

Preventing Violence against Women & Children

Your Financial Support Is Needed

donations can be made here

or can be mailed to: 2221 G St, Bellingham, WA 98225

Why would she go back?

It’s hard to imagine going back to an abusive home.

Statistics tell us, each woman who escapes has tried 6 or more times previously and returned because of:

*Lack of finances, no access to and/or no income of her own

*Friendships end, abusive men destruct her friendships

*Housing beyond a few nights @ a Shelter is unavailable

*She believes his threats, that he'll further harm them

*Relationships are stressed, they say "he seems so nice"

Her fears are real - statistics tell us after escape, her chances of being murdered by her abuser increases by 75%. Of our community’s homeless, 75% are women & children trying to escape family violence. Even in the best scenario, these women & their children live in poverty after their final escape from the abusive home.

The complications are endless – this tragedy requires a community of help. At Dream Bigger we’re privileged to gather community members & local businesses to assist.

I Can’t Imagine

where I’d be today without Dream Bigger!

I can’t tell you how much Dream Bigger has meant to me. When I was at my lowest, Dream Bigger found me a place to call home, took me in & helped me get back on my feet.

They gave me the confidence I needed to face life again. They were a God-send! -a Thankful Mom 

Thank you To Our

Faithful Supporters!

From A Grateful Mother & Her Children

“Dream Bigger made my children’s Christmas dreams come true! Leaving my abusive marriage left me financially and emotionally drained. When my children deserved a special Christmas the most, I was unable to provide it for them. Because of Dream Bigger's generosity and unfailing support during a very difficult time, I was able to give my children a wonderful Christmas I would not otherwise have been able to provide. We are eternally grateful for the love, kindness and normalcy Dream Bigger helped put back into our lives”. -- a grateful Mother & her children

Dream Bigger

Preventing Violence against Women & Children

All Donations are tax deductible

through IRS non profit EIN #26-3898006

and can be mailed to:

2221 G Street, Bellingham, WA 98225

Or Here


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